The listed equipment belongs to the above analysis laboratories as well as various research groups of our Centre:
NMR Spectrometer Bruker AVANCE Neo 400
NMR Spectrometer Bruker AVANCE III WB 400
NMR Spectrometer Bruker AVANCE III 500
NMR Spectrometer Bruker Avance III 600
Axima Performance MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer, Shimadzu
GCMS-QP2010 system, Shimadzu
SYNAPT G2-Si HDMS, high resolution mass spectrometer coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography system ACQUITY UPLC I-Class – Waters
SQD2 – single quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with ESI and APCI ion sources, Waters
Malvern Panalytical Empyrean, multipurpose powder diffractometer equipped with Cu source
Benchtop Malvern Panalytical Aeris X-ray diffractometer equipped witch Cu source.
Rigaku Oxford Diffraction XtaLAB Synergy-S, the single crystal diffractometer equipped with two microfocus PhotonJet-S X-Ray sources (Cu, Mo),
ASAP 2020 PLUS, fully automated system for the determination of single and multi-point specific surface area and for the determination of pore size and distribution (including microporous), Micromeritics®
Vision G2 dissolution test kit consists of the Vision G2 Classic 6 bath and the sampling (Vision AutoPlus) and sample collection (Vision AutoFill) devices, Hanson Reaserch
Planetary ball mill (Retsch PM 200)
Mixer mill (Retsch MM 200)
HPLC 1260 Infinity II, Agilent
Spectrophotometer UV-2700, Shimadzu
Solvent purification system, SPS-800, MBraun
Glovebox workstation (3-glove size), Unilab
Ultrasonic processor with automatic tuning, SONICS
Spin Coater, WS-650-23NPP
Spectrofluorometer Fluoromax-4, HORIBA
Pure chromatography system – Pure 850 FlashPrep, Buchi
Flow microreactor Asia 120 System, Syrris
Reveleris X2 Flash Chromatography System with high performance liquid chromatography, Buchi
Hydrogen generator
X-band Bench-top CW EPR Spectrometer, Bruker
UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer, Jasco V-770
The modular, low current, low noise and fast potentiostat/galvanostat PGSTAT128N, Autolab
Pure Chromatography System, Buchi C-850 Flash-Prep
Liquid Crystals Analysis System, LCAS-3
High Pressure Reactor Miniclave steel, Buchi
Apparatus for amplification of nucleic acids (Eppendorf Mastercycler gradient)
Quantitative real-time PCR cycler (The LightCycler® 96, Roche)
CHNS-O Elemental Analyser – Carlo Erba Instruments
MembraneOsmometer – Gonotek
GPC/SEC Systems, Agilent (CH2Cl2) and Shimadzu (DMF)
Instruments for molecular mass determination equipped with different detectors: RI Optilab (Wyatt)x2, MALLS DAWN-8 (Wyatt), MALLS DAWN-HELEOS-II (Wyatt), RI 2300 Smartline (Knauer), UV 2238 (LKB), RALLS+Viscometer (Viscotek)
Digital Viscometer DV II+, Brookfield
Autoradiograph imaging system – Molecular Dynamics
Differential Scanning Calorimeters (one modulated) DSC 2920 and Discovery DSC 2500, TA Instruments